Clarification about the Identity and Sovereignty of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)CLARIFICATION ABOUT THE IDENTITY AND SOVEREIGNTY OF THE
On the 3rd September 2022, His Holiness Pope Francis wisely took the decision of dissolving the leadership of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) and of appointing a provisional government, besides imposing a new Constitutional Charter on them.
In his Decree His Holiness The Pope recalls how “the prerogatives of the Order do not constitute the set of powers and prerogatives proper to Sovereign entities” “in the full sense of the word,” as stipulated in the 24 January 1953 sentence issued by the Tribunal of Cardinals. This sentence of the Cardinal’s Court also states clearly that the SMOM is a religious Order, therefore, it “depends in its various forms on the Holy See”.
In the sequence of that sentence given by the highest court of the Catholic Church at the time,
and in view of it, one of the Knights of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) requested the Italian Courts
to pronounce on the legitimacy of the rights of His Eminent Highness
Prince Nicola Ligny-Luxembourg di Lascaris-Ventimiglia,
the then Grand Master of the Autonomous Priories – Priorati Autonomi Reuniti as it was called at the time in
Italian – (KMFAP) as legal and direct successor of the old Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, and also on the right of H.E.H. Prince Ligny-Luxembourg to invest new knights of St. John also said Knights of Malta.
In a very long, well-reasoned and well-argued Final Sentence under nº 35/55,
the Italian Court of Santa Agata di Puglia, on the 25/06/1955, was very clear by stating the followings…
During the month of April of the present year of 2022 different religions solemnly celebrate some of their most important festivities, such as the Rama Navami for the Hindus, the Ramadan for the Muslim, the Passover or Pesach for the Jewish and the Easter for the Christian,
therefore the Grand Master and Head of the State of the Federation of Autonomous Priories of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta ( KMFAP ),
on behalf of all the Structures of our Sovereign Order and of the Government of our State,
comes to express to our Knights and Dames of the different religions the deepest respect and the best wishes to all.
The rules and principles of the modern and civilised Human Societies are based on the teachings of the different religions that have,
all of them, similar principles and rules showing to the Mankind the path of Good towards Perfection.
All religions teach us the virtue of Compassion, the importance of Mutual Respect, the greatness Tolerance and the supreme value of Life.
Those are the values that rule our life in the community of people, both at national and international level,
and rule also the relations among the community of the States; those are the rules that punish ( even with sentences to time in prison )
those who mistreat or hurt animals like dogs and cats;
those are the rules that make the crimes of war and the killing of civilians ( mainly women, children and elderly people )
so unacceptable, so repugnant, so repulsive and so unacceptable, even for those who, not being religious, are members of a civilised society.
War Crimes are pure savagery and even the animals show more respect for each other than some humans do…
In this month, so full of solemn religious festivities, so full of high spiritual energy, in this month of prayer, the Grand Master invites all the Knights and Dames of the Federation to reflect about and to pray for those who suffer all the horrors of War and the losses of the priceless lives of their beloved ones.
May the God of all religions save and protect all those who deserve to be saved and who need to be protected.
His Eminent Highness Jose, Prince
Grand Master and Head of the State
Besides being the most important festivity for the Christians, Christmas has become – for the people of all religions and even for non-believers – the celebration dedicated to the Family and the New Year, in accordance with the globally accepted calendar. Christmas has become for everyone the Festivity of Hope, hope for a good, fruitful and prosperous new year to come, therefore, in this significant season I would like to present to all our Knights, Dames, Squires, Damsels and Humanitarian Work Volunteers my warmest heartfelt greetings.
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which tragically marks 2020 forever as a dark year, we will all be forced to live this Festive Season quite differently than we have all lived before. This time in the absence of many of those we love, either part of our families or true friends, however we must remember that Absence is for Love, what the Wind is for the Fire: if it is small, it will soon be extinguished, but if it is big, it becomes bigger and stronger. So, may the forced absence of our loved ones contribute to make our love for them greater and stronger, and may the Hope for a prosperous 2021 be stronger, now that we see the light closer at the end of the dark tunnel of 2020 in the form of new vaccines against this terrible coronavirus.
We must not expect to return to what our world was before the pandemic, instead we all need to do our best and utmost to make the world after COVID-19 a much better world than it used to be.
Dear Knights, Dames, Squires, Damsels and Volunteers, two things are important in this festive season, one that shouldn’t be forgotten, and one that should always be remembered:
– We must not forget that the spirit of Christmas is not about having beautiful lights outside, but about having a wonderful light in your heart.
– We must always remember all those who have no house, no food, no love, no companionship and no peace in this season, while we are in the comfort and warmth of our houses among our loved ones, and having a good supper in peace. Remember the fallen, the poor and the helpless, because they are our brothers and sisters as well, remember them, because they are and they have been our reason to exist as a sovereign hospitaller knightly Order for almost one thousand years.
Season’s Greetings to everyone!
H.E.H. José, Prince
Grand Master and Head of the State
KMFAP and Femmeraid Netherlands sponser and support Gambia and this organization.
Prior of the Netherlands Nico Waerts (KMFAP) and director Femmeraid Netherlands.
Gisteravond hebben wij van de Stichting een cheque in ontvangst mogen nemen, die Stay Fit samen met Femeraid, Knights of Malta en Budokai Texel, in een boksclinique bij elkaar hebben gebokst voor Damian.
Wat zijn wij hier blij mee! Jullie zijn toppers!
Dankjewel Nico en Hans! Het bedrag van €360,- komt goed van pas om de verbouwing te kunnen realiseren!
The special boxing lesson for 10 people was led by Kees landvreugd.
this project was in collaboration with; Femmeraid Netherlands and Budokai Texel & Stayfit Texel, Kees Landvreugd and Hans van Vooren.
And not to mention our special guest from japan Mr. Nagata 2e dan Kyokushin.
Proceeds from this training 360 euro will go to the foundation aangehaakt
The goal of the Aangehaakt Foundation is to help, guide and support people with a disability who are not eligible for assistance. This may include matters such as adaptations to the (living) environment and mobility, but also with support in care and development.
We thank all athletes, trainers, sponsors who have participated in this very interesting boxing training.
Nico Waerts (KMFAP)
Femmeraid Netherlands
I was very proud to be present at the investment of my friend Dirk Klok.
The Investiture was held in Malta. In one of the most imposing buildings in Valletta the former “Sacra Imfermeria” of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, now popularly known as the Mediterranean Conference Centre, which is located adjacent to Fort St Elmo and overlooking the Grand Harbour.
Dirk’s work at the Knights Netherlands will be a liaison’s officer. We are very happy that Dirk is going to work with us.
Sir Nico Waerts (KM)
Prior of the Netherland (KMFAP_
Director Femmeraid Netherlands