Season’s Greetings from the Grand Master and Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)

Merry Christmas to all Dames and Knights!

His Eminent Highness Jose, Prince
Grand Master and Head of the State

H.G. Prof. George Popper

Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta

Dear Knights and Dames of our Sovereign Order and State,

CHRISTMAS, all over the World, is much more than only a religious celebration, it became a Family Festivity regardless of the Religion of each one.

Christmas is a season of Love, and of Family Gathering and the gifts that we exchange are nothing but the token of our feelings of Love and of Friendship.

Many of us tend to pay more importance to material values than to the spiritual ones, therefore I would like to underline that what matters is not WHAT is under the Christmas Tree, or over the Table of the Family Supper, no, what really matters is WHO is around the Tree and sitting around the Table, therefore, in my personal name, in the name of my family and on behalf of all members and of the Government of our Sovereign Order and of our State, I come to wish to our Knights and Dames a Family Festivity full of Peace and Love, an occasion when all your friends and beloved ones may be present, either around the Tree or at the Table, and, if not, that they may be present in your hearts and in your memory.

One more year – 2017 – is almost finished. During this year, our Sovereign Order and our State succeeded in important achievements both in our Humanitarian Work and in the Diplomatic field, besides a remarkable growth in our implantation worldwide, so I seize this occasion to express my deepest gratitude to all our Knights and Dames, for one more year of undeniable Friendship, Brotherhood, Commitment and Support.

The NEW YEAR is always the dawn of one year of Hope and as Hillary DePiano said “We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” So I come to wish to all that you may in the coming 365 days do great things, great for yourselves and for the others, great for the Peace and for protecting the Environment of our World, which is the house of all of us and of our Family. I wish that, again, in the coming year you may feel the pleasure of having and the happiness of sharing what you have with those who need. I wish you much health and no better words could express my wishes than the beautiful poem by D. Simone:

“May Light always surround you;
Hope kindle and rebound you.
May your Hurts turn to Healing;
Your Heart Embrace Feeling.
May Wounds become Wisdom;
Every Kindness a Prism. May Laughter infect you;
Your Passion resurrect you.
May Goodness inspire your deepest desires.
Through all that you reach for,
May your arms never Tire.

8-11-17 KMFAP and Femeraid Netherlands and Budokai present on the special needs judo tournament.


KMFAP and Femeraid Netherlands and Budokai Texel were present on Saturday 4 november as a volunteers/sponser on the special needs judo tournament on Island Texel Netherlands. 105 participants were present for (two days ) judo and having fun on the island Texel. The entire organization SNJF was headed by Henk and Inger de Vries.I am realy happy to see and talk to so many national Judo friends.Together we share one great passion: judo.

Nico Waerts ( KMFAP)

Elisabeth Kruger( Femmeraid & Budokai Texel)

G Judo 2017
G-judo 2017
G-judo 2017
G-judo 2017

27-10-2017 KMFAP and Femmeraid Netherlands & Budokai Texel Special Needs Judo


Special Needs Judo Foundation has added an event.
4 november Texel Netherlands Den Burg
Femmeraid Netherlands & Budokai Texel and Holiday Park The krim and more sponsers has collapsed in cooperation with SNJF to re-enter this amazing judo event! Go to for more information.

More to come


1-06-2017 Mission Statement IBSSA International Anti-Human Trafficking Project

Mission Statement
The IBSSA International Anti-Human Trafficking Project is a private sector international network of business professionals that provide education to government and non-government organizations in the area of human trafficking and serve as a focal point within their geographic area for the collection of open source information pertaining to human trafficking.  Through our collaboration with various government and non-government organizations around the world, our efforts as an international network to combat human trafficking provide valuable assets and information to counter this crime of international concern.



International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. You can find information about Florence Nightingale on the Florence Nightingale International Foundation (FNIF) web site and the Girl Child Education.

2017 Report of the humanitarian organisation of Knights of Malta (KMFAP), the FEMERAID International – Budapest Unit’s work in 2016

In 2016 the humanitarian organisation of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP), the FEMERAID International – Budapest Unit (the Central-Buda Volunteer Civil Protection Association – ÖPVE) paid exceptional attention to pre-conditioning children and youngster, orphans and not-in-family-live boys and girls too.

The association continuously works to raise the awareness of youngsters and town people on disasters, and emergency situations; so the children and adults can gain more information on disasters, disaster response, defence and rescue mechanism, such as first aid, or fire safety. Thanks to our activities their self-safety ability is growing, to be able to react in different emergency situations or to help in the work of the rescuers. They can utilize the learnt mechanism, not only in a disaster situation, but also in the everyday life. The people who take part in our disaster pre-conditioning training can increase his/her own and their environment’s safety.

The association performed the OAD (Orphans Against Disasters) program for kids with special needs. That is for teaching and pre-conditioning the orphans and the not-in-family-live boys and girls. There are a lot of important knowledge in the program, like first aid, fire safety, firefighting, civil protection, and dangers at home.

The education is independent of the physical conditions of the participants. We can help for everybody to improve the safety of his/her life. In 2016 the volunteers of the FEMERAID International – Budapest Unit worked at least 531 work hours in 29 days with teaching and pre-conditioning in the frame of the OAD program. We would like to express our thanks to everyone for the active and devoted work, carried out in the past year!

2017 FNews from Magisterial House concern USA



Dear Knights and Dames,
the Magisterial House would like to inform you all, that on the 11th of February 2017, a Knighthood Ceremony of our Sovereign Order and State took place at the luxurious Trump National Doral Estate, near Miami, Florida, USA.
During the Ceremony, in the presence of numerous Knights and Dames coming from many different countries, 11 new Knights and Dames were knighted.
This Ceremony is an important landmark in the life of our Sovereign Order and State, as it represents the return of KMFAP to the organisation of Knighthood Ceremonies in the USA since the time when HEH Archbishop De Valitch was the Grand Master and Head of the State, more than 25 years ago, and it was possible due to the commitment and competence of both the Organisational Committee and the help of our American Knights and Dames to whom the Magisterial House expresses its gratitude and proudness on their militance.
Report about the ceremony will be published at our website ( very soon.

2017 Een goede start voor de eerste gratis Femeraid Nederland (Sociaal / mentale) kickboks sportproject.

Een goede start voor de eerste gratis Femeraid Nederland
(Sociaal / mentale) kickboks sportproject.

Het project: 12 Jeugdigen, jongens én meisjes, kosteloos deel te laten nemen aan een sportactiviteit. Doel is dat ze niet buiten de sociaal maatschappelijke (sport) omgeving vallen, om ze zinvol & fysiek/mentaal-gezond bezigheid te laten zijn. Daar, waarbij dit van toepassing is, is de jongere tevens ‘van de straat’. Neveneffect:Jeugdigen van de basisschool kunnen alvast kennismaken met jeugdigen uit het voortgezet onderwijs.Hierdoor zal het vertrouwen van de jeugdigen naar elkaar toenemen.Verder wordt de kans vergroot dat de jeugdigen na deze opstap de weg naar het verenigingsleven weten te vinden.Kickboksen zorgt voor kracht en uithoudingsvermogen.Maar kickboksen biedt nog veel meer. Naast een uitlaatklep voor een teveel aan (negatieve) energie leren jeugdigen hun grenzen te herkennen en te beheersen.Voor jeugdigen die het doelwit zijn van pesterijen vormt kickboksen een goede basis om de algemene weerbaarheid te versterken.Met grote dank aan de sponsers Texel Fonds, Femeraid Nederland, De Sportshop Texel, Dame Janny Vreugdenhil en StayFit & Budokai Texel die dit project mogelijk hebben gemaakt.
Super bedankt voor jullie inzet.
Nico Waerts