12-10-16 IBSSA & Femeraid Childeren Redman Training 2016

IBSSA Netherlands closed the season course “Krav Maga Kids 2015-2016” with a red man training. Mr. Nico Waerts – representative of IBSSA in Holland, Krav Maga instructor established and developed this special lesson program “Krav Maga Kids”.
During the full program special attention is paid to: mental and physical self-defence program in schools and at the workplace – which includes Internet, family, the workplace, home, and neighbourhoods. Also Bulling exists between social groups and social classes,
so we must prepare the children to defend Good exampel watch this video://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.kamp/videos/1146400968744838/

7-10-16 KMFAP news new FEMERAID International Unit in Malta


The Magisterial House of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) is very honoured, happy and proud to announce that, in the sequence of the continuous growth of the structures of Femeraid International in different countries and continents, now the “Special Rescue Group – St. Lazarus Corps”, a non-for-profit institution based in the Republic of Malta, has joined Femeraid International as its new MALTA UNIT.
We are also proud to announce that the Special Rescue Group – St. Lazarus Corps’s Commander-in-Chief – International, H. E. the Field Marshall Sir David J. Zammit, Dip. Mgt., B.Sc., M.Sc., F.Inst.C.M., M.I.P.D., KLJ., CMLJ., KGGRV., KCCDN., Kt.GC.SOMA., GCOLS., ODA., has been appointed as Director of Femeraid International – Malta Unit.
This new and prestigious unit is one more step towards the enlargement and the betterment of the world-wide coverage of Femeraid International, and in accordance with its international structure, the new unit will integrate the Femeraid International Europe Division.
For a better knowledge of the Special Rescue Group – St. Lazarus Corps / Femeraid International – Malta Unit, we strongly recommend a visit to the following websites:

Cabinet of the Grand Master and Head of the State

30-09-16 IBSSA/KDI Anti-Human Trafficking team (continuation)


The IBSSA Board of Directors, in association with KDI Protective Services, a division of Karl de la Guerra, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of our first International anti-Human Trafficking Project.
Under the leadership of Mr. Karl DelaGuerra – Country Representative of IBSSA for the USA – the Team KDI has assembled an elite team of subject matter experts, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, to provide global assistance in countering Human Trafficking, a crime recognized to be at an epidemic level within our society.

The anti-Human Trafficking team possesses the following expertise:
– Law Enforcement
– Private Security
– Private Investigations
– Community Relations
– Accounting (Certified Fraud Examiner)
– Legal
– Training & Curriculum Development
– Emergency Medicine
– Mental Health
– Information Technology

The mission statement of this elite team covers three primary areas in which they will operate: Education, Identification and Collaboration.
Globally, Human Trafficking has estimated annual revenue of $32 billion, or about $87 million a day. Law enforcement authorities, government agencies and others say that human trafficking is tied with arms dealing as the world’s second-largest criminal enterprise. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the lead agency in trafficking investigations in the United States, has estimated that 800,000 people are trafficked into sex and forced-labour situations throughout the world every year.
This project operates as a portal for all IBSSA members in the area of anti-Human Trafficking. “Our goal is to serve as a focal point for IBSSA members who wish to report suspicious acts or incidents of Human Trafficking.” – says Mr. DelaGuerra. He continues, “Our team is connected to an international network of agencies. We will access the information, then pass it along to private and/or public sector agencies, who will receive the reported information for further action. We will also provide vital education on this topic to organizations and community groups within our reach.”
Any IBSSA member interested in becoming involved in this project, please reach out to Karl and discuss your interest. He can be reached at: karl@teamKDI.com
The IBSSA International anti-Human Trafficking Project may be contacted via e-mail at

19-09-16 IBSSA International anti-Human Trafficking Project

The IBSSA Board of Directors, in association with KDI Protective Services, a division of Karl de la Guerra, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of our first International anti-Human Trafficking Project.
Under the leadership of Mr. Karl DelaGuerra – Country Representative of IBSSA for the USA – the Team KDI has assembled an elite team of subject matter experts, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, to provide global assistance in countering Human Trafficking.

KMFAP 19-09-2016 Knighthood Ceremony Slovakia.

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Dear Knights, Dames and Postulants,
our dear Friends,

please find attached the Program of our forthcoming Knighthood Ceremony, which will be held between 14-15 October 2016 Slovakia.
In the official program you can find all necessary information concerning this significant event – time schedule, side events, prices of accommodation, and official meals – in case you wish to attend and invite some members of your family or guests.
We kindly ask you to inform us until 30th September about your participation at the Ceremony and its side events (by sending the exact dates of your arrival and departure – flight schedule, names of the persons coming with you, as well as the number and type of hotel rooms you require).
We need to know about your presence as soon as possible for ordering the meals of the Official Gala Banquet, and also reserve hotel room for you! Otherwise it can happen that we will not be able to guarantee free place for you at the meal, nor accommodation in Hotel

Please feel free to contact us in case of doubts or questions.

Yours in St. John,
Lady Erika Macsári, DCM

Femeraid Netherlands 9-9-2016 Femeraid Netherlands congratulates Larissa Klaassen and Haliegh Dolman with silver at the Paralympic Games in Rio



Larissa Klaassen and Haliegh Dolman have won silver at the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.Larissa and Haliegh rode a time 1.07.059 minutes at the one kilometer in the adjusted track cycling.
The gold went to Sophie Thornhill and Helen Scott from England who rode a time of 1.06.283 minutes. The bronze was for Australia (1.10.187 minutes).
Larissa has been working since 2013 to ride the Paralympic Games in Rio. A total of fourteen teams competed for the title. Larissa and Haliegh were the last turn, after the British who drove a Paralympic record. Well done girls !!!!!!!!!!

Nico Waerts (KM)

Founder Vipsports and director Femeraid Netherlands


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9-9-2016 (KMFAP) Establishment of Diplomatic and Consular Relations between the Knights of Malta (KMFAP) and Antigua and Barbuda

By the invitation of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, H.E. Sir Dr. Karoly A. Nagy Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
and Cooperation of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP),
as the head of the delegation made an official visit in the country between the 31st August and 3rd September 2016.
The Minister of State was accompanied by H.E. Sir José Manuel Gonzalez Testino – State Secretary, H.E. Sir Massimiliano Turi – Ambassador-at-Large,
H.E. Sir Mohamad Bassam Safieh – General Director and Sir Fabrizio Palmarini – First counsellor, Head of the Department of Legal and International Law.
During the signature ceremony, the Ministers undersigned the Joint Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic and consular relations between
Antigua and Barbuda and the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) on the 2nd September 2016.