2018-7 Report Nico Waerts(KM) benefit of charity budo day Wakai Ryu Aiki Jutsu group

Rhoon, The Netherlands
July 2 – 2018

For the 10th time the yearly Budo Day of the Wakai Ryu Aiki Jutsu group, affiliated with W.C.R. in Rhoon, was held. This day, full of different martial arts, is always entirely for the benefit of charity. This year the amount of € 1000, – for MS ( Multiple sclerosis) Research Foundation was exceeded.

Despite the hot weather the attendance was high. Women and men trained from 13.00 to 17.00 hours during the various workshops. The day started with a surprise guest: Hans de Jong, 8th dan Jiu Jutsu, from Australia, who spontaneously gave a workshop.
Shihan Nico Waerts General secretary from IBSSA & ISF 5th dan Kyokushin karate from Texel gave a workshop kyokushin all round, a mix from kyokushin karate, ju-jitsu and judo.
Cees de Jongh (IBA) , 8th dan Aiki Jutsu and Shihan of the Wakai Ryu group and Bart Hagen, 7th dan Kyokushinkai Karate, completed the afternoon program. Martijn Bogaerts, 4th dan Aiki Jutsu and MS patient gave lessons too. He showed us, that with right breathing techniques and little effort by using the strength of the opponent, Aiki Jutsu is a beautiful sport to practice, even for MS patients. This day has been very successful, despite the incredible high temperature in the dojo.

And of course, the day ended as all budo days: Eating! A delicious BBQ outside, especially in the shade…

For me it was also a reunion. It is nice to train and speak with colleagues all over the country and we had a lot of fun.

My compliments for the organization

Nico waerts(KM)
General secretary IBSSA & ISF


2018-6 Veterans Day 30 juni 2018 Netherlands

Veterans Day 30 juni 2018
The Dutch Veterans Day is a national initiative. It is a gift for all Dutch veterans. A tribute to Dutch veterans where recognition and appreciation for veterans is central. That exudes the Veterans Day.
The Netherlands introduced the flower White Carnation as an expression of appreciation for Dutch veterans. The White Carnation is known to the older generation because the late Prince Bernhard had the habit of wearing a white carnation. The White Carnation, however, has a deeper, historical meaning.
This national event is held annually in The Hague on the last Saturday in June.

Our respect goes out to all women/ men and relatives
Nico Waerts (KM)
Prior of the Netherlands.
Director Of Femeraid Netherlands
more on Vetranendag Netherlands

2018 -6 Interview with Sir Károly András Nagy – Minister of Foreign Affairs of KMFAP about the Order, its history and assisting people in need.

This article is published as part of Fridays With MUNPlanet, and its special series dedicated to world politics. The aim of this series is to bring you the analysis of global affairs by the established and upcoming scholars, decision-makers and policy analysts from various world regions. This week, Dr Nagy, Grand Cross Knight of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Federation of the Autonomous Priories and the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Government, clarifies the Order, its history and purpose, as well as discusses current issues of global importance.

MUNPlanet: Please be so kind to give us some information about KMFAP, its history and purpose?

– It’s not an easy task to introduce the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Federation of the Autonomous Priories. As you can see, even our name is the longest among the sovereign states of the World. We are a direct descendant of the old historical Order of Saint John of Jerusalem – also known as the Hospitaller Knights, or the Knights of Malta, created as an entity in Jerusalem around the year 1040. Let me also remind you that Saint John of Jerusalem is not Saint John the Baptist, as so many confuse it on a regular basis. Based on our research, the core of our Order was established in the 7th century. The existence in different historical periods in different places in the Mediterranean was terminated in 1798 when Napoleon occupied Malta. The Knights immigrated to several countries and continued their activity in autonomous priories.

After the several Autonomous Priories of the Order of Saint John have decided to unite and to federate, more than 100 years ago between 1909 and 1911 in New York, a new name was decided by adding federation of the Autonomous Priories. The Head Offices of the Federation is in the State of New York of the United States of America and its executive offices are in Hungary / Budapest.
The whole article can be found here, by clicking on the following link:


2018: Knighthood Ceremony, 15-17 June 2018


Dear Dames and Knights,
Honourable Postulants and Guests,

please find attached the Preliminary Program of our forthcoming Knighthood Ceremony, which will be held between 15-17 June 2018 in Chateau Bela, Slovakia and in Budapest, Hungary.In the official program you can find all necessary information concerning this significant event – time schedule, side events, prices of accommodation and official meals – in case you wish to attend and invite some members of your family or guests.We kindly ask you to inform us until 31st May about your participation at the Ceremony and its side events (by sending the exact dates of your arrival and departure – flight schedule, names of the persons coming with you, as well as the number and type of hotel rooms you require in Chateau Bela, Slovakia for Friday night). The accommodation in Budapest should be booked by you and directly with the proposed hotel.We need to know about your presence as soon as possible for ordering the meals of the Official Gala Banquet and the Gala Ball.

Due to the large number of Postulants, we can only accept a few more for the June ceremony of investiture – in order of arrival, the rest of Postulants will remain for the autumn ceremony, taking place in Malta on the 4th November 2018.

Please feel free to contact us in case of doubts or questions.

Yours in St. John,
Erika Macsári

Lady Erika Macsári, DCM
Head of Chancery of the Prime Minister’s Cabinet

Phone: +36 1 214 1206
Cell: +36 30 2215 988
Goldmark Karoly u. 35.
H – 1122 Budapest, HUNGARY

13-04-2018 :Press Communiqué on the 12th April 2018 of the Magisterial See of the Knights of Malta (KMFAP)


Press Communiqué
12th April 2018

Magisterial See of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem
Knights of Malta Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP)

The Magisterial See was surprised to learn that some of the press organs in the Slovakian Republic are portraying us as a fake order and as frauds. We consider it necessary and justified to issue the following statement regarding these false accusations made by the press: The Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem Knights of Malta Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP) is a state without territory and in this capacity, it maintains bilateral diplomatic and/or consular relations with many UN Member States as a subject of international law. In order to carry out our diplomatic activities, we issue diplomatic passports, the use of which is strictly regulated in accordance to international practice. Our humanitarian activity is extensive and acknowledged in many countries of the world. Thus, in Slovakia, we also have an active Slovakian Grand Priory that has partaken and currently participates in the organization of several humanitarian actions.

False allegations threaten the future effectiveness of these humanitarian activities by journalists who seem to mislead the public through seemingly lacklustre knowledge of the facts and by distorting them. Although the “new papal institution” managed and funded by the Vatican (Italian Court verdict in 1955), SMOM cannot be regarded as the legitimate heir of the ancient order and is non-sovereign but its status as subject of international law – such as us the legal representant of the ancient order (Italian Court verdict in 1955), is indisputable, since they maintain diplomatic relations with several countries of the world.Over the last decades, a multitude of court judgments have clearly stated our international legality and sovereignty – in the European Union as well.

The elements of exercising our sovereignty are the maintenance of diplomatic ties, amongst others, the issuance of official documents, rights to decorate individuals, to issue currency and operation of various state institutions. Through our Ecumenical Council, we have excellent relationships with numerous religions. Our diplomatic activity has often been successful when traditional diplomacy has failed and it serves the peaceful coexistence of nations to maintain international peace and security. In a great deal of countries, we are successfully facilitating in the creation of significant investments and development projects. We are proud of the four thousand Knights and Dames, who come from more than sixty countries of the world and are distinctively well-respected representatives of the economy, sciences and arts as well as pioneers of social progress and development. Slovakia is a strong, proud and independent state in whose internal affairs we do not want to interfere in any form, but we do not tolerate our name being used for domestic political battles. For this reason, we call on all press organs concerned to adjust their claims, and if they fail to do so, we will be forced to take all the necessary legal actions.We are considering holding a press conference in Bratislava in the near future, where we present the true facts and are ready to respond to journalistic questions.

Magisterial See

2018 Femmeraid Texel and The dutch Boat Foundation report from Mrs Hetty van Dijk

Dear ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention to this short report from Mrs Hetty van Dijk a member of Femmeraid Texel and The dutch Boat Foundation the Netherlands. let me express my gratitude to Hetty van Dijk for her commitment in lesbos greece.
Nico waerts (KM) Director Femeraid Netherlands
In 2017 the Dutch Boat Refugee Foundation (BRF) gave me the opportunity to work as their medical coordinator on the Greek island of Lesbos. It was my long term wish to work abroad for a NGO, but only after my retirement I found time and courage to do this job.
BRF provided medical aid in three camps at the island, mostly at night time. As Greek authorities slowly took over these activities, BRF decided to end their medical mission by January 1st , 2018.
As a medical coordinator I was responsible for the safety and well-being of the volunteers, who came from all over the world. The doctors and nurses should be introduced to the other members of the team and to the medical team protocol. They should find their place in the volunteer house and some of them should be trained to drive at the right side of the street and be comfortable with a gear box. The medical know how and skills from all those medics differed a lot and due to the principle of equality their activities should smoothly harmonize with the average treatment of a Greek patient. A continuing challenge with every volunteer!
During my stay at Lesbos the number of new arriving refugees increased tremendously. Other NGO’s provided first aid and dry clothes at the beaches, but after that everyone had to be transported to the so called first reception, Moria camp, described by the pope as a concentration camp. The camp is originally meant to harbour 2000 people, but with around 100 or more new arrivals per day, the number rose quickly to a 6000. You can imagine that all logistic lines did not work properly or not at all, not to mention sanitation, waste collection, food distribution and indeed access to health care.
Ideally the medical team consisted of two doctors and a nurse, but we also needed one or two crowd controllers. Not only for registration but mainly to calm down and regulate the flow of impatient and not seldom unwilling patients. That was a hell of a job for the non-medic crowd controllers, especially after the disappearance of the first reception medical check. The Greek organization who was responsible, could not handle those numbers of new arrivals. So many very sick and disabled people came to our cabin and asked for help. 100 patients or more seen by my doctors at night were no exception.
There were lots of tensions in the camp. We estimated that around 80% of all refugees in the camp had severe psychological problems. There were also different tribes, who slammed regularly, as they did in their homelands. Alcohol abuse was another cause for fights and due to safety and security reasons the medical team had to evacuate regularly. We stayed outside the camp until it was safe enough to return, but sometimes it was not. On returning people came to apologize for the behaviour of their fellow citizens.
Medical care without speaking each others language is hardly possible, so we needed translators. We had no professional translators available, so we asked patients to bring their own, but we could not do our job without the help of refugees who volunteered to translate. For many of them this was also a heavy duty, as they were traumatized themselves and now had to deal with horrible stories of torture, rape and grief of other people. This was also a hard part for our medics as the stories went beyond our imagination. Most volunteers volunteered for 2-3 weeks. For all of them times were enervating and some of them called it a life changing experience. Many have a wish to return. The situation in the camp is still more than horrible, medics seldom are able to provide the necessary help. The local situation is difficult as well, the hospital is overwhelmed and understaffed. There is hardly transport to the mainland as the whole asylum procedure should be take place on the island, which can take months or years. The refugees or people of concern, which is their official title, are trapped under the most inhuman conditions.
The good things are the locals, who suffer from pain due to financial crisis and the loss of tourism on the island. Many of them open their hearts and sometimes their houses for the refugees. They create possibilities for showering or provide a hot meal. Of course local economy does take advantage of the presence of thousands of volunteers from all over the world. Volunteers rent cars, houses, buy souvenirs and eat local dishes. The common goal generates a team spirit I never met before. And we needed each other to stay afloat, with all misery and inhumanity around us. Working with refugees for so long (6 months) under such hard conditions does not leave you untouched. On coming home I longed for my friends and family, although I could hardly explain to them where I had gone through. And the silly thing is: I want to go back…….
As long as the situation is that bad and as long as it is easy to make a little difference in somebody’s life, I feel the drive to spread humanity in inhumane camps and love to Europe’s forgotten guests. Don’t expect gratefulness: most people are so traumatized and desperate (or drunk), they have no idea of volunteering and see us as part of the system. Be happy with the things YOU can DO.
Hetty van Dijk
Member Femeraid Team Texel Netherlands

2018 Good cooperation between the two teams Femeraid en IBSSA

21- 01-18 Femeraid Texel team & IBSSA successfully
concernd for a woman with children
A stalker has burned down her garden hause two times. And he threatened her several times. Fortunately, it became a police case. The women dit not return to her garden because the stalker is still free.
She is still very scared. The problem is she must clean and dig the garden for the new owner.
We secured her safety (IBSSA) and we dig the 100 square meters with a few volunteers (Femeraid)
Job done
Good cooperation between the two teams
Femeraid Netherlands & IBSSA and volunteers
KMFAP The Netherlands

Season’s Greetings from the Grand Master and Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta (KMFAP)

Merry Christmas to all Dames and Knights!

His Eminent Highness Jose, Prince
Grand Master and Head of the State

H.G. Prof. George Popper

Lieutenant General of Knights of Malta

Dear Knights and Dames of our Sovereign Order and State,

CHRISTMAS, all over the World, is much more than only a religious celebration, it became a Family Festivity regardless of the Religion of each one.

Christmas is a season of Love, and of Family Gathering and the gifts that we exchange are nothing but the token of our feelings of Love and of Friendship.

Many of us tend to pay more importance to material values than to the spiritual ones, therefore I would like to underline that what matters is not WHAT is under the Christmas Tree, or over the Table of the Family Supper, no, what really matters is WHO is around the Tree and sitting around the Table, therefore, in my personal name, in the name of my family and on behalf of all members and of the Government of our Sovereign Order and of our State, I come to wish to our Knights and Dames a Family Festivity full of Peace and Love, an occasion when all your friends and beloved ones may be present, either around the Tree or at the Table, and, if not, that they may be present in your hearts and in your memory.

One more year – 2017 – is almost finished. During this year, our Sovereign Order and our State succeeded in important achievements both in our Humanitarian Work and in the Diplomatic field, besides a remarkable growth in our implantation worldwide, so I seize this occasion to express my deepest gratitude to all our Knights and Dames, for one more year of undeniable Friendship, Brotherhood, Commitment and Support.

The NEW YEAR is always the dawn of one year of Hope and as Hillary DePiano said “We all get the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them.” So I come to wish to all that you may in the coming 365 days do great things, great for yourselves and for the others, great for the Peace and for protecting the Environment of our World, which is the house of all of us and of our Family. I wish that, again, in the coming year you may feel the pleasure of having and the happiness of sharing what you have with those who need. I wish you much health and no better words could express my wishes than the beautiful poem by D. Simone:

“May Light always surround you;
Hope kindle and rebound you.
May your Hurts turn to Healing;
Your Heart Embrace Feeling.
May Wounds become Wisdom;
Every Kindness a Prism. May Laughter infect you;
Your Passion resurrect you.
May Goodness inspire your deepest desires.
Through all that you reach for,
May your arms never Tire.

8-11-17 KMFAP and Femeraid Netherlands and Budokai present on the special needs judo tournament.


KMFAP and Femeraid Netherlands and Budokai Texel were present on Saturday 4 november as a volunteers/sponser on the special needs judo tournament on Island Texel Netherlands. 105 participants were present for (two days ) judo and having fun on the island Texel. The entire organization SNJF was headed by Henk and Inger de Vries.I am realy happy to see and talk to so many national Judo friends.Together we share one great passion: judo.

Nico Waerts ( KMFAP)

Elisabeth Kruger( Femmeraid & Budokai Texel)

G Judo 2017
G-judo 2017
G-judo 2017
G-judo 2017