21- 01-18 Femeraid Texel team & IBSSA successfully
concernd for a woman with children
A stalker has burned down her garden hause two times. And he threatened her several times. Fortunately, it became a police case. The women dit not return to her garden because the stalker is still free.
She is still very scared. The problem is she must clean and dig the garden for the new owner.
We secured her safety (IBSSA) and we dig the 100 square meters with a few volunteers (Femeraid)
Job done
Good cooperation between the two teams
Femeraid Netherlands & IBSSA and volunteers
KMFAP The Netherlands
6-12-16 XX. IBSSA Annual Congress and 5th International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA
Dear IBSSA Members, dear Friends,
hereby we wish to inform you all that the XX. Annual Congress of IBSSA, and the 5th International Joint Conference of IBSSA – IPA – IAPA with the official Award Ceremony – followed by a Gala Banquet – will take place on the 4th February 2017 at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Sarasota, Florida, USA.
For the detailed program of the Congress with its side events, trainings, proposed programs, hotels and prices, visa issues, please check the attached material, or click on the following link:
If you wish to attend the IBSSA Congress and also any of the side events, please inform the Headquarters directly until 15th January 2017.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Florida!
Best regards,
Erika Macsári
Chief of the Central Administration Office of IBSSA
Goldmark Karoly u. 35.
H – 1122 Budapest, HUNGARY
Phone / Fax: +36 1 214 1206
http://E-mail: secretary@ibssa.org
Website: www.ibssa.org
12-10-16 IBSSA & Femeraid Childeren Redman Training 2016
IBSSA Netherlands closed the season course “Krav Maga Kids 2015-2016” with a red man training. Mr. Nico Waerts – representative of IBSSA in Holland, Krav Maga instructor established and developed this special lesson program “Krav Maga Kids”.
During the full program special attention is paid to: mental and physical self-defence program in schools and at the workplace – which includes Internet, family, the workplace, home, and neighbourhoods. Also Bulling exists between social groups and social classes,
so we must prepare the children to defend Good exampel watch this video://www.facebook.com/jeffrey.kamp/videos/1146400968744838/